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Building muscle is one of the most sought-after goals in the entirety of the health and fitness world, and the supplement industry makes billions each year selling protein powders that promise rapid muscular development. But these aids are often vastly different from each other, and come with virtually no guidance about how or when to consume them. Does the appropriate dosage change with sex, age, or exercise type? Does the timing make a difference? Does any of this matter?
2/10/2018 Fat vs. Fit - Which One Matters More?It’s hard to go more than a day without hearing about America’s obesity epidemic. Nearly 40% of the country is plagued by this ailment, and the correlation with heart problems, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes renders this a scary prospect for the future of the country. But what if extra body fat isn’t the problem? What if there was simple solution to the problem? According to Dr. Steven Blair, a former professor of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina, there is.
Olive Garden's breadsticks are near the top of the list of addictive and utterly soul-fulfilling foods. If you've never had the pleasure of eating one of these, run and do not walk to your nearest branch (and then come back and finish reading this article). As a friend and I were procrastinating on our homework the other day by raving about how euphoric this carbohydrate-loaded experience is, we came to a bit of an impasse. Everybody knows how good they are -- but why?
1/31/2018 Think About It Guest Article - SodaFor this week's Think About It, Nutripol is very lucky to have another guest article! John Irvine, a 2nd year student at UVA hoping to study Commerce and Health & Well-Being, is here to talk about the potential impacts of soda consumption on your body and how the average American's soda habit can have disastrous health effects in the long-term.
1/4/2018 The Importance of ElectrolytesEverybody knows the importance of drinking an adequate amount of water, especially during periods of high training volume or intense physical activity. However, less appreciated is the need to replenish lost electrolytes -- a critical component of proper hydration. Learn about what electrolytes are, how they function in the human body, and an easy way to integrate them into your daily life.
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